The pilgrim who comes to Jerusalem to pray and adore the Lord, confides in the fact that his prayer in the Holy Sepulchre will be particularly effective.
In this, the pilgrimage is a call and a preparation for prayer and can therefore take on various forms:
- praise and adoration for the Lord for his goodness and holiness,
- respect for the Holy Places sanctified by the presence of Jesus and the Virgin Mary,
- gratitude for the gifts received (as a reason or a hope that gives a meaning to our lives),
- the request for grace necessary to live well
- invocation of divine pardon for sins committed or simply to carry out a vow.
The symbolic place of prayer will be the Gethsemane, an intense and difficult plea as was that of Jesus: “He was in such agony and he prayed so fervently that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground.” (Luke 22,44)
Fr. Artemio Vítores, ofm Vicario della Custodia di Terra Santa